Web Hosting

Why Host with PCCC?

  • We take care of companies where email and web hosting is critical to their business and treat any problems (or potential problems) very seriously. For example, and this may come as a shocker, we answer the phone. We also reply to emails and voicemails as promptly as we can. Because of this, we handle DNS for quite a few customers who won’t trust it to larger corporations where a response can take hours or days or even weeks.
  • We have good Karma and like to help out the community as a whole. We host many churches, religious, open-source, not-for-profit and non-profit organizations all on a not-for-profit basis. If you fall into any of these categories, financial aid is available by request.
  • Our service is not inexpensive but we do not nickel and dime our customers as many ISPs do. We want to earn your business and make the accounting simple for both of us and 95% of our customers pay a single fee per year and that’s it.
  • We don’t pretend to, claim to, hold hostage or take away your domain name. It’s yours. We are just providing services for you for it. Again, we earn your continued business through quality service and support.
  • We formally meet at least monthly to review every domain in our control. We believe these reviews are paramount to prevent accidental expiration which can lead to expensive renewal fees or losing a valuable domain.Please note: All domain names are renewed automatically for one year at PCCC’s current rate unless you notify us in writing prior to the renewal. Domain name renewals typically occur 30-45 days before expiration and once renewed, there are no refunds. If your account does not have a current payment method on file, is otherwise overdue or has had your terms revoked, PCCC reserves the right to delay renewal until payment is received in full. In the event that a domain name expires, regaining the domain may incur additional fees if the domain can even be recovered.
  • Our servers are constantly upgraded as technology improves and because we aren’t a Bulk Hosting company, there is virtually always processor, memory, bandwidth and disk resources to burn or we upgrade. Currently, we are hosting on 2.4Ghz Dual Xeon boxes with RAID 1 HD’s and 3GB of RAM running RedHat 7.X and Quad Dual-Core Xeon’s with 16GB of RAM on CentOS 4.X.
  • If you use more than one domain, where other companies charge you double, triple or more, PCCC provide seamless and interchangeable use of as many domains as you would like. So if you still want your email to your old company domain to work but you want it to replace the destination with your new company domain, it’s easy. We call this “Domain Mirroring” and emails sent to username@domain1.com can easily be redirected to username@domain2.com. And we do the same thing for your website with NO MONTHLY RECURRING CHARGE to provide the same email address names and website content for different domain names.
  • We specialize in minimal downtime moves through experience and proactive operating procedures. If you need to make a transition, we can do it professionally and efficiently so you don’t lose contact any more than you absolutely must.
  • We offer complete SSL Certificates with 256-bit encryption including the generation of the certificate request and installation for a fee of $120 plus $20 per year. So if you order a 3-year certificate, it will cost $180 for everything.
  • Our servers are scanned quarterly to help our customers meet the PCI security compliance requirements.
  • And, if you need more than a standard shared hosting environment can offer but you are not ready to colocate, administer, and maintain your own box, PCCC has the answer. Upgrade to our Talon Enhanced Hosting for more bandwidth, more processing power and greater flexibility while we still maintain all the programs. We limit hosting on our Talon cluster to 1 CPU core with 2GB of RAM per customer. You also receive a custom Apache and PHP configuration file that can be customized to your needs using very high-end servers that are significantly more powerful and costly than our standard hosting. The Base Annual Cost is $3,000 per annum with a Base Bandwidth of 0.0 to 1.5Mbps included.

Types of Hosting

  • Collocation: Collocate your infrastructure needs with our firm and forget about maintaining switches, back-up power, generators, routers and the complexities of running a data center. PCCC offers 1/4, 1/2 and Full Rack collocation for maximum flexibility.
  • Bring Your Own Server (BYOS) – For customers who just need “ping, pipe & power”, please see our Single Machine Collocation.
  • Talon Dedicated Hosting – Hosting on a server or servers administered by PCCC’s technicians, dedicated to your needs. Prices vary based on your configuration. Email pccc-dot-com@pccc.com for more details.
  • Talon Enhanced Hosting – Hosting on a “split-dedicated” server administered by PCCC’s technicians dedicated to a very small group of customers with individualized hosting for highly customizable, very high-performance hosting.
  • Shared Hosting – Hosting on a server shared by a group of customers. PCCC’s Shared Hosting is a great starting point and PCCC employs industry-leading security and powerful servers to economically meet many customers needs.
  • Lightweight Hosting – Hosting designed for the fastest content delivery of static content. Our Lightweight Hosting is the perfect compliment to save you money when combined with cloud-based infrastructures such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (ec2) and Google Compute Engine. Prices vary based on your configuration. Email pccc-dot-com@pccc.com to discuss your needs and how we can save you money!

Web & Email Hosting Rates and General Terms

  • The availability of our Hosting service is not guaranteed. Please inquire with your specific needs for availability and wait-list information.
  • We are a quality over quantity provider and we reserve the right to refuse anyone hosting for any reason. If you are looking to host a questionable site at the lowest price, please look elsewhere.
  • Minimum Term: 1 year.
  • Renewal: The contract auto-renews for the same term length if not cancelled in writing 15 days prior to the next renewal date. Barring outstanding payments due, a refund to the day of receipt of notification will be issued promptly.
  • Termination and Refunds: Terminations must be received in writing. However, PCCC keeps customers with our exemplary service and support not with contracts that lock you in unnecessarily. If you choose to terminate, we are available to assist you in effecting a smooth and professional transition. If you are unhappy with our services for any reason, please notify us immediately! And, barring any outstanding monies owed, applicable refunds will be issued promptly; will be retroactive to the date of termination; and will reflect a credit determined by dividing by 30 for monthly terms and 365 for annual terms to refund unused monies in a fair and exacting method.
  • Setup Fee: $120.00. Domain Registrations and Renewals through BulkRegister are available for $15/year plus sales tax on request.
  • Base Annual Cost: $900.00
  • Base Bandwidth: 0.0 to 0.10Mbps included in Base Cost.
  • Bandwidth Calculations: All bandwidth charges are billed based on industry standard 95th percentile billing specifically using Sean Adams 95th percentile patch. Click here for a general description of 95th percentile billing.
  • Additional Bandwidth: $50.00/Mbps per month billed in 1/2 Mbps increments, i.e. a monthly average usage of 0.101 to 0.600 Mbps would be $25/month in addition to the base cost. This cost is subject to change at any time with one month’s notice. Customers can request access to view real-time bandwidth charts and 95th percentile status. For example, the real-time statistics for our network are available at: http://router.pccc.com/PCCC/.
  • No insurance is provided in these terms including fire, liability, theft, or otherwise. It is the customer’s responsibility to provide such insurance in compliance with internal policy, standard insurance, and general ISP terms and conditions.
  • Billing: Annual Fees are due either in advance or monthly with a credit on file at https://secure.peregrinehw.com/. Any additional bandwidth for the prior month is billed at the first of each month and a deposit equal to the additional bandwidth for the next month is required in advance.
  • Terms: Payment is due within 10 days (Net 10) to avoid interruption of service and a late-payment fee of 1.5%. To avoid this problem, we recommend pre-authorizing your monthly billing to a credit card at https://secure.peregrinehw.com/.
  • Late Payments: Late payments will incur a $25 late fee and may result in a revocation of terms. If your terms are revoked, you must have a credit card on file for all charges. Additionally, you are also liable for any costs associated with collection of your unpaid bills, including, but not limited to, collection agency costs, court costs, and legal fees.
  • Jurisdiction: All agreements and any dispute thereof shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
  • AUP: You are bound under our contract for bandwidth currently provided by Cogent Communications. In particular, the Cogent Communications Acceptable Use Policy as provided at http://www.cogentco.com/files/ps_collocation/SLA_colo.pdf.
  • Not Included: No Hardware or Software is included or implied in the hosting fees or these terms.
  • More Not Included Items: There are no technical services included in the hosting fee beyond the provision of bandwidth from our provider, primary and secondary DNS hosting for one domain, and secondary MX services for one domain unless specifically mentioned in your terms.
  • Subject to Change: These terms are subject to change for any reason and changes will take effect at the next renewal date unless such changes are a requirement of our facility or upstream providers.
  • Because we handle a small number of very specialized hosting, there are no interfaces to create, delete or modify accounts available however, these services are provided by Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation at no extra charge.
  • The integrity of your data is important to us and we perform disaster recovery backups nightly. However, there are no guarantees and all backup requirements are the customers responsibility.
  • We support and recommend the use of the IMAP protocol for email rather than POP3 as this will store the email on our servers with a cached copy on the local workstations and allow for multiple workstations to check email.
  • Hosting includes webmail access for accounts using IMAP and inbox-only webmail for POP3 accounts.
  • DNS, Backup MX, Anti-SPAM and Anti-Viral Filtering is included.
  • Up to 10 emails included at no additional charge.
  • Hosting includes free use of notethat!.
  • Includes 1GB of storage space and up to 100mbps 95th percentile avg per month!
  • Shell access via SSH2 is available on a as-needed basis to qualified persons.
  • No forced advertisements though a link to our webpage is always appreciated!
  • Perl/PHP/CGI/MySQL all available on request.

Description of 95th Percentile Billing

Peregrine Computer Consultants Corporation has adopted the 95th percentile billing method because our upstream provider uses the same methodology and it allows the customer to take full advantage of our network. This allows for peaks and spikes in bandwidth consumption and does not require a rate limit on the customer.

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